Friday, February 22, 2013

Problem of Health Care Facility planning & Design

Problem :

1.     Equitable Distribution of resources not practiced
2.     Inadequate distribution of health care facilities
3.     Lack of community participation
4.     Poor management and weak administration
5.     Lack of rationality
-         Efficiency        - Flexibility                    -Reliability
6.     Barrier to receive the service
-         Geographical ,financial ,educational, psychological

Solution :

National Level 
-         Health care facility in their social economic context- balance effort of social economic sector is per-requisite of health care development
-         Link between the health system and other social –school health programme, occupational health programme.
-         Staffing – Avoid misdistribution, integration of local health care persons and healers
-          Rationality in use of resources
-         Balance administration
-         Cost- fund for running expenditure & amortization, social security and social insurance
-         Maintain-avoid sophisticated equipment in rural hospital
-         Ensure infra-structure before procuring equipment

International Level

-         International cooperation is the only way to disseminate knowledge concerning the enabling condition the difficulties and implementation techniques of such experiments.

A well planned hospital with efficient management system can ensure better health care facility through efficient utilization of resources.

Efficiency Vs Effectiveness

It refer doing things right in manner
It refers doing right things
It focus on process
It focus on output
It concerned means, way , method, input out-out relationship
It concerned end, result, target
It defined as the output to input ratio and focus on getting maximum output with minimum resource.
It constantly measure if the actual output meets to desire output